Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stat Lines and Points of Interest

45 points (15-35 FG)
That was Michael Jordan's point total in his last game as a Chicago Bull, with field goal number 15 immortalized as "The Shot" (pictured above)

POI #1 Shout out to my boy Q Ross from the Memphis Grizz. The man plays consistent solid defense on every team's best player every night, and just when he was trying to play a little help side defense, Brook Lopez decides to dunk on him somethin' serious. It's ok though Q, just keep knocking down open 3's and you'll be fine. 

POI #2 Durango, Colorado is hard to get to. There's really no way around them, the mountains I mean--we literally drove 7 hours from C-Springs through snowy mountain passes. 

POI#3 The National Championship game is not disappointing so far, tied with 10:55 left to go? Definitely gonna be a good finish. 

Need something to do tomorrow night, but don't want to go out? Stay in and watch the Cavaliers play the Celtics on ESPN. I won't be able to watch it, but best believe I'll read up on it more than is probably necessary. 

Well I'm gonna finish watching the natty championship and then play some sega dreamcast with my teammates. 

Love yall. Miss her. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Matty and Me

Given the recently passed holiday season it is important to remember friends that are no longer around physically, but affect you every day of your life even if you don't realize it. That puppy was the best dog anyone could ask for as soon as she joined our family. She was too smart for her own good, and that was probably the end of her shortcomings.  
It all started when I decided I wanted a black, white, grey and brown dog. My parents figured this was an impossible combination so they were off the hook. False. I saw another puppy from Matty's litter in the Home Depot one day and knew it was possible. My dad questioned the owner of that puppy as to the whereabouts of the rest of the litter, and that very night we hotfooted it up to Round Rock to find her. She was the last puppy from her litter there, so i picked her up, she passed out on my lap, and that was it. We had found my puppy. 
It wasn't always picture perfect, Matty once ate a 30lb turkey all by herself and didn't even leave a bone. She ate that couch in the picture (in retrospect probably a good idea), and she got into trouble all over the place. I think I even called 9-1-1 on her bad. 
One day when she was 7 or 8 and I was 11 or so, she got really sick and we had to take her to the vet. They told us that she had diabetes, and that we were going to have to give her shots and monitor her blood sugar in order for her to survive. So we did. We gave her insulin before every meal, and tested her blood sugar many times daily. It wasn't always easy, and she would often have seizures because it was difficult to anticipate a dog's eating habits, and her blood sugar would get too low. It hurts me now to think about all the pain she went through and still managed to be an amazing dog. 
A few years later, she began to go through many of the hardships that older dogs endure, but her body was so worn out from the diabetes induced seizures that she really wasn't the same anymore. It was time for us to say goodbye. I still remember that day like it was yesterday, and  I think that's why I'm writing this now. I saw my best friend be defeated by a disease that I would be diagnosed with 3 years later. The transition  was easier for me because I had helped her through it so many times, and with the support of my family--my life is normal. 
I've never lost a person who was especially close to me for my entire childhood, but I can't expect they would have had as much of an influence on me as Matty did. Animals are made by God too, and their creation serves a purpose higher than we may realize. 


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome Back

What's up. 
My name's Rob and I just decided that I needed to get back into blogging. I used to have a myspace blog, but since I don't use that anymore I'm gonna get this blog crackin'. 

Shout out to my boy Steve Clements ( for getting me back interested in blogging, his blog holds it down for your hip/hop and hoopin' news. 

I go to school at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs and play basketball there, I'm a sophomore and just like to have fun ya digg? I'm mostly gonna devote this blog to 3 things: 
1. Things I'm thinking about 
2. Things that annoy me
3. Things that make me laugh

But don't get it twisted, this blog is about you. So I'm gonna do my best to give you good music, funny videos, and personal sports and movie reviews as time goes on. 

Its good to be back, 
